Are you Finding your Story in God’s Story? (Part 3)

Biblical cosmology is the study of the origin, structure, and purpose of creation. Biblical cosmology gives us the ‘Big Picture’ of things. And, I would like to convince you just how practical big-picture thinking really is. Biblical cosmology gives us God’s glory story—answering the question: why is there a cosmos with people and angels in it? God’s glory story is designed to stagger you, to move you to awe. . .because you were created for this glory. That means if you attempt to slog along in your Christian walk, just grinding out duty and ‘thou shalt nots’, you will feel like you are wearing a yoke. But, when you are feeding on divine glory, it makes obedience easy. Lord willing, I want to make a case in this article that biblical cosmology is an ‘observatory’ for God’s glory.

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THEOLOGIZING: A Ministry of Biblical Antithesis in a World of Synthesis (Part two)

In Paul’s command to Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:13-14, Paul’s understudy, Timothy receives the imperative to ‘guard’ and ‘retain’ the truths entrusted to him. Those verbs certainly infer that this young man will feel the pressure to soften the edges of the truth in order to make it more compatible with the values of his culture. In the Western world today, there is a concerted push to marginalize and ultimately silence the theologizer. In this article, we will explore the strategies being utilized by the powers of darkness to reduce the theologizer to an irrelevant, and ‘toxic pest’ (the apostle Paul was described as a real ‘pest’ in Acts 24:5). In our own culture, one of evil one’s strategies is to vilify the theologizer by labeling him, a dangerous patriarch.

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Abortion, the Sanctity of Life, and the Judgment of God

The fundamental biblical issue in abortion is that it constitutes the shedding of innocent blood. The real question today is not when people’s lives begin, but what is the value and sanctify of human life? The blood of millions of aborted children cries to God for vengeance. Their silent screams are heard loudly by Almighty God. America’s hands, and most of the nations of the world are covered with the guilt and stain of innocent blood. “That innocent blood cries to God for vengeance. Those cries are reaching a thunderous crescendo, and God will answer in judgment just as he did with Israel and Judah”

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