Six Catalysts of the Great Falling away from the Faith By Jay Wegter and Shane Haffey

Even faithful, Bible-believing Christians can be subject to fears during uncertain times of national and global crises. During chaos and instability true believers tend to become increasingly alert to the importance of doctrine and are eager to treat theology with the importance and practicality it deserves in all seasons (2 Tim 4:2). There is value in exploring the ‘big picture’ themes in eschatology. The apostles and our Lord have expounded these themes to stabilize and prepare the saints for the consummation of the age. God desires that His people grasp the ‘why’ behind the events which lead up to the Day of the Lord. For redemptive history’s consummation is about the King and His kingdom of light dramatically overcoming the worldwide thrall of the kingdom of darkness.

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Recovering the Divine ‘Blueprint’ for Gender and Sexuality in an Age of ‘Woke’

In the context of current culture, ‘woke’ means “alert to racial prejudice and discrimination.” Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism, and has also been used as shorthand for left-wing ideas involving identity politics and social justice.i The following section of this paper (up to, but not including Roman numeral one) expresses how the political left views Biblical Christianity’s convictions on gender and sexuality. What Scripture teaches about gender and sexuality is viewed by the progressives as a form of discrimination known as sexism.

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The Loss and Restoration of Godly Masculinity

Our godly masculinity is only restored in Christ. Our self-centeredness and passivity have to die in co-crucifixion with Christ in order to be equipped to fulfill Christ’s commands (Gal 2:20). Built into this idea of godly masculinity is a new masculine mandate with Christ Himself as the New Masculine Man and as the Source of the new masculine man (Col 3:9-11ff.). Christ is the prototype of the masculine man. In His person and role as Last Adam, He has the pedigree, and comprehensive resources needed to make us His new creatures

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Are you Finding your Story in God’s Story? (Part 3)

Biblical cosmology is the study of the origin, structure, and purpose of creation. Biblical cosmology gives us the ‘Big Picture’ of things. And, I would like to convince you just how practical big-picture thinking really is. Biblical cosmology gives us God’s glory story—answering the question: why is there a cosmos with people and angels in it? God’s glory story is designed to stagger you, to move you to awe. . .because you were created for this glory. That means if you attempt to slog along in your Christian walk, just grinding out duty and ‘thou shalt nots’, you will feel like you are wearing a yoke. But, when you are feeding on divine glory, it makes obedience easy. Lord willing, I want to make a case in this article that biblical cosmology is an ‘observatory’ for God’s glory.

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