The Self-Attesting Authority of the Holy Scriptures (Part One)

God is the Author of human existence, of human relationships, and of the laws which govern those relationships. His laws come from His unchanging character. The authority of God is evident in His power to command absolutely, and in so doing, to bind the consciences His creatures by His law. His authority is expressed in His holy determination to enforce the laws which He has made. (i) Thus, the ‘executive instrument’ by which God rules over His creatures is His infallible Word, the Holy Scriptures. God and His Word are ‘one’ in holy purpose and authority, therefore the authority of His Word is self-attesting.

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The Holy Trinity and Social Relations

The Trinity implies that relationships are NOT created by sheer choice, but are built into the very essence of human nature that is made in the image of God. The virtues and graces given to believers through salvation are relational graces. Righteousness, love, truth, and meekness are manifested in our relationships—they are relational graces which are to reflect the blessedness of communion within the Godhead.

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The Glory of God in the Face of Christ (2 Cor 4:3-6)

True religion is above the natural powers of man.  Through the last 2000 years of history the church has often forgotten that truth.  Thus, the gospel has been pushed down from its biblical description as “the power of God” (Rom 1:16-17)—and turned into something men are capable of performing.  The scriptural reality is that a mighty working of God’s sovereign power is needed in order for a person to become saved.

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